Sunday, February 5, 2017

Autism: Genetic or an STD?

One of the most prominent disorders affecting our society today is autism. According to a quick search on the Interwebs, there are over 200,000 cases of autism diagnosed each year, and those are only the detected cases. As many people also know, autism is a genetic disorder. However, I am here to propose a new theory. What if autism is also a STD?

     Consider the following. As one can tell by looking into meme culture, more specifically, dank and /pol/ culture, autism is a frequent topic of discussion. Autism is memed regularly. In addition, people joke about each other being autistic based on certain behaviors even if they have not been diagnosed. Are all of these memes and jokes really just that? Or is there a subtext beneath the surface statements? Upon further investigation, my research has made me come to the conclusion that autism is a STD. Over the past 20 years, the increase in gay population has increased. And so has -you guessed it- autism. Could these two occurrences be linked?

Figure 1: Increase in "The Gay"                                  Figure 2: Increase in Autism
Figure 3: Autism being Sexually Transmitted

     Here we see a rare image of autism being sexually transmitted by promiscuous liberals. This image came at the cost of many Kekist lives. The liberal cucks fought hard to keep this image a secret, but, now that the cat (or in this case, dog,) is out of the bag, the truth WILL be revealed. 
In this picture, we can see evidence of autism among the liberal cucks. Clearly the image is that of a Micro$oft Word document, but the autistic liberal cucks are too pathetic to realize this. 
And finally, one more truth bomb shall have its fuse lit. Autism CAN BE TRANSMITTED BY CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! As Alex Jones has already proven, chemicals in the water are "turning the freaking frogs gay." It would appear that the chemicals liberal cucks are putting in the water not only will make you and your pet frog gay, they will also make you AUTISTIC! This is an outrage. 

To add insult to injury, George Bush is aware of this! He even wore protective clothing to protective him from autism and the gay when going on water rides. Clearly liberal cucks have beaten rhinos into submission and have threatened them into silence. Deus Vult, my Kekist friends! We must reclaim our land from the liberal cucks and stop the autism and chemicals in out water! (Propur Water Filters was not in any way affiliated with the production of this article.)


Ah, Vietnam, you unforgiving mistress, you cruel mother.
Months I lingered in your putrid belly, killing the best of your sons, and dining with your many lovers. You weren’t betrayed with a kiss, but instead were ravaged by disease. You brought forth destruction on the children of your fertile womb.
Did you know that French charm would only last so a few years, or were you surprised when the benevolent West turned on you?
I wasn’t surprised. I’m not surprised by anything anymore. I had no expectations going in, and even fewer coming out. At the time I left you, the monkey on my back was slowly pulling my brains out through my ears, and I had no mind to deal with your paradoxical embrace.

Coming out of ‘Nam, personal appearances were not a part of my thinking. Women were women, men were men. Black was black, and white was white.
In ‘74 I got a girl. She wasn’t much to look at, but she had a hell of a personality, and enjoyed IPAs almost as much as your’s truly. She could handle my irate state, or at least she did for the two months we were together. She left in a fit of passion, and took the last bottle of Merlot from the cabinet. If we had any more Elijah Craig, she’d’ve taken that, too.

I didn’t miss her, but I missed the nights, and I missed her complaining, and her subpar cooking. I decided I needed to make myself more attractive to the people with the breasts. Therefore, on the day Nodar died, I went in and got my hair cut to above my ears. I hadn’t gotten it shorn so short since boot camp, and my newfound cleanliness let me feel good about life. I left the barber shop and headed down to North Ave beach, to get a little sun. Disappointment struck me down again, the same way it did everyday since Ấp Bắc. Turns out, Lake Michigan doesn’t have nearly the same tanning power as the glorious flash of an M-121. To see that majestic sliver of splendor fall neatly from the bottom of a distant plane, to watch it disappear behind the trees, and to be nearly scorched by that warm, bright splash of color and heat. Nothing compares to it. It’s like comparing and Rockwell to a Rembrandt, Rembrandt being the bombs.

     I was getting out of my car at the gas station to buy a can of Monster for 3.50 and cheetos flamin' hot for 2.29 when I put on my m...