Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Homeschool Manifesto from the archives


how do you spell that again? i forgot… -Wyatt
SPELL WHAT? - love, isaac

Sometimes i write poems
behold i am not below ‘em
i spit rhymes so hot
burn you worse than a tater tot

that’s right, my rhymes are delicious
you can’t spit it you’re too plush
that almost rhymed
less words and i would’ve mimed

this is the theory of rap
spit cuss and tap
words that make a story ya?
that a secondary euphoria

-love CJ

Cigarettes will kill your tongue
and scar your lungs
But other things can blow your mind
like curtis rhyme
-love D’Souza

I was quoting a poem the other day
about how everything is okay
if you’re okay with yourself in every way

you know what you do must be true
you know that what you want is blue
but if you don’t know what you want I can’t help you
^^^not written by us

^^^that’s a reference to a racist organization. RACIST #KKK


The Following muggs Contributed To This Beautiful Manifesto, Which Has Not Yet Started:
  • Wyatt Will
  • Curtis “CJ” Howland
  • Top Kek
  • Priest of Kek
  • Chester the Molester

Life is tough. Life is tough for most people. Some people have it easy, but most of us ain’t in that group. In fact, life is so tough, this part of the essay is called part II, even though there was never a part I. Sad, I know. :(

There is no part IV.

Almost everyone agrees with part II of the manifesto, unless they have an easy life. However, nobody can really do anything about their lot in life. Unless they’re choosing to live a hard life.
Example of someone trying to live a hard life:
Jim was a man. Until he cut off his testicles. Then he was just kind of there. #stupidity #prochoice #balls #orlackthereof

This is a short story about a walrus. Walrus was a walrus. He lived the the cold, forgotten north. Every summer tons of vodka invigorated Russians went up north to get them some walrus meat. Walrus had to hide from them. One day, Walrus saw some fat Russians eating fried chicken on the beach. He wanted fried chicken very much. He waddled up onto the beach to where they were sitting. They were so drunk they did not see him until he was diving into the waves with a tub of golden crispy fried chicken. crack! crack! went the shotguns. rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat! went the machine guns. Ygorvski Vladhazovitch! went the Russians. plop went Walrus. Walrus’s bullet studded carcass floated lifelessly to the surface. One particularly intoxicated Russian lept into the frigid Arctic ocean to retrieve the tub of soggy chicken. That was the end of the line for Walrus.

(In reference to PART VI) What does the story of Walrus have to do with this manifesto? Nothing. It was included to poke fun at Russians. Nothing more; nothing less. Are all Russians like the ones depicted in PART VI? Yes. This manifesto contains nothing but the truth. Not even sarcasm. **** sarcasm. Who uses sarcasm anyway? Russians. Like how the author brought the topics of Russians and sarcasm together? Only Russians use sarcasm. #repetioniskey

You might be wondering where all this random stuff is going.
Keep on wondering. Not even the authors know.

(In reference to PART V) You should be able to feel good music in your [this portion has been removed for various reasons]. If you have none; that’s unfortunate. Sexist.

Spend most of your time with the beautiful people. Become like them. Then go back to the ugly people, where you can be a leader. Also, beautiful people tend to stick together, so if you make friends with one, you’ll be friends with all. It also helps to be a beautiful person in the first place. A small group of beautiful people gets more stuff than a huge group of ugly people.
Then there is the middle ground. These people are neither beautiful nor ugly. Most people fit in this category. It is not a bad place, but it is pretty boring.

Wow to part IX. That is a pretty weird part. A basic synopsis of this manifesto so far is that it is weird. For more information on this, please read part VIII or IIX. Also wow to part V, that little feller hits hard early on!!

This part (PART XII) concludes the part part of the manifesto. The parts were an attempt to impart knowledge, however they departed from their original path by discussing some weird random stuff. Thank you.

Huey grew up in Booklyn. He had lived there his entire life there, and so he died there. Huey got married and had two sons. He worked at a hot dog factory with Tupac/Ghandi in an oppressed neighborhood. One day, Huey said,
"It's time to fight back!" Two shots in the dark-- Huey's dead. You see, the old way wasn't working. Huey lived on, however, reborn in his two sons.

La Reincarnacion
First off, if u dont like comic sans, gtfo. We only like real leftists  
2. If ur not a Trotskyite also gtfo. Ur not a real leftist
3. We only like Che Guevara bc he spilled the blood of capitolast pigs and had good hair


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