Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Marxian Principles Governing Meme Economies

Our lad, Karl Marx, once asserted that the the ruling class, or bourgeoisie, maintained their power through the ownership and manipulation of the means of production.
While this might not be the case in real world economics (e.g.: Weber claims that social classes are determined by consumption patterns, rather than production), this Marxian principle surely applies to the greater meme economy. 
The truly powerful Meming Bourgeoisie is strictly confined to three types of individuals:
  1. Those who accrue rare, esoteric memes to distribute to a large, less-enlightened audience
  2. Those who make original memes
  3. Those who remix the original memes of others to improve and mass produce them

The majority of power wielded by Memers lies within those three super-classes. 

One might be tempted to argue that, those who make original memes are the highest class; however, this is simply not the case. Those who make memes, while powerful and sacred, are usually not the same ones in the absolute seat of power. Many meme makers do not have the ability or means to effectively distribute their memes to the hungry populous. Therefore, it is the ones who distribute the memes to the masses who hold the true power. 

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